Finding the right battle to join

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Main Article: Battles, Battle_modes, Tips and Guides

In the battle list there are tons of battles which you could join and fight in. However, every battle has its own conditions and specifications, and joining the wrong battle could be a waste of everyone's time and effort. Therefore, it is important to know how to look for the right battle to participate in. Listed in order of importance below are different specifications for battles which you might have to consider before entering the battle.


A range of approximately 10 Ranks can participate in regular battles at the same time, which can yield a significant gap in strength between the weakest and strongest player. As a player's equipment strength usually increases with their rank, it is important to join a battle with people of a similar rank to you. By competing against players with much greater ranks than yours, you will be fighting with disadvantages. It might be tempting to join a battle with low-ranked players as you will most likely be at an advantage. However, you will not get as many Crystals for winning, as the lower the rank of your opponents, the slower the Battle fund accumulates.

It is worth noting that the rank of a player is not always a good indicator of their strength. A player with a high rank may have a weak combination of equipment, and a player with a low rank may have a strong combination of equipment. Therefore, it is important to consider the rank of your opponents, but not to rely on it too much. A strategy that smart players use is to first play a battle with a weak combination of equipment, attract lower-ranked players to join and accumulate score with their weaker equipment, and then dominate with strong combinations once the battle has ranged on for some time to take the victory. The weaker players, having already accumulated a lot of score, cannot leave the battle without losing their score, and so they are forced to stay and fight against the stronger players.


See also: Changing Equipment
Battles take place in a wide variety of maps, some of which are minuscule and some with gigantic dimensions. Picking the wrong equipment for the battle would hinder your performance and make it difficult to win. Therefore, it is important to equip the correct equipment for each battle.

A good way to enhance your performance would be to first pick a specific combination of equipment that you are the most comfortable with, and then select a battle with specifications which the gear combination would work best with.

PRO Battle

In «ProTanki», it is possible to participate in two types of battles: either normal battles or PRO Battles. In most available PRO Battles, the option to use Supplies is disabled, while supplies are always enabled in normal battles. If you join a PRO Battle with supplies equipped, you will not be able to use them to your advantage; whereas if you join a normal battle without having the intention of using supplies, you will be at a severe disadvantage.

If you prefer saving your supplies for special occasions and spend most of your time in PRO Battles, it is recommended to purchase the PRO Battle Pass, so that you can enter all PRO Battles unlimitedly without having to pay a hefty entrance fee every time you play a PRO Battle. Otherwise, you can spend your extra crystals on buying supplies for usage in normal battles.

Ending conditions

Apart from being unable to gain a sizeable amount of the Battle Fund due to having low score, there is usually no problem with joining a battle as it is about to end. For battles in which the winning team has accumulated a huge score difference facing the losing team, playing for the losing team will often give you a plentiful crystal reward when looking at the amount of score you gained from the battle.

Be aware that some battles have insanely gruesome ending conditions, such as having a 999-minute timer (used to accumulate a huge battle fund) or a high deaths/flags/points count. In these games, you will certainly face a battle of attrition if both teams play decently. You may have fun within the battle, but if you do not have the time to play its entire length, you will miss out the bountiful rewards of the battle fund. Despite the default timer for each battle being only 15 minutes long, battles created by users usually last way longer: A battle with an ending condition of 100 deaths in Deathmatch will take at least 20 minutes and usually 30, and in Control Points, it will take at least 20 minutes and usually 40-45 to capture 100 points on a map with only a single control point.

Format Battles

Some battles contain special formats which vary the presets of battle settings. Want to fly in the sky with weak space gravity? Then Parkour matches are your top choice. For fans of the classic Railgun and light hull combo, you can always join an XP/BP battle.

Battle Mode

The Battle fund grows at varying rates across different battle modes, with Team Deathmatch being the highest and Capture the Flag being the lowest. To obtain a large amount of Experience within a short amount of time, a small CTF battle in a small map like Island would suit best, whereas Deathmatches in large maps such as Desert would be perfect for gaining a large amount of crystals. Despite this, it is still more than important to understand your skillset and your playstyle with certain equipment within these modes, in order to play as efficiently as possible.

Friendly Fire

Damaging your own teamates, even if accidental, can often be a nuisance to everyone. Therefore this option is usually disabled across all types of battles. If in the case that you are in a battle with friendly fire enabled, try to equip turrets without splash damage to avoid damaging your own teamates while damaging your enemies.