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Cm. also: Maps

Skirmish summer.jpg
Skirmish summer night.jpg
Summer night
Skirmish space.jpg
Battle modes Available from Rank IconsNormal 03.png Corporal Number of drop zones Icon info.png
Dm icon.png DM
Tdm icon.png TDM
Ctf icon.png CTF
Cp icon.png CP (1)
Max. number of players 20 (10x10) HealthBoxMini.png ArmorBoxMini.png DamageBoxMini.png NitroBoxMini.png CryBoxMini.png GoldBoxMini.png
Map size Medium 2 3 5 6 11 8
Themes Summer, Summer night, Space Dimensions (Props)
Date of first appearance 2023-02-14 l b h S V
Author of the map RIOT 28 39 16 1092 17472

Interesting facts

  • The map was changed on February 18, 2023.
    • The red base became a little stronger and now the flag is a little harder to take away.
    • To the left of the red base, you can now drive under the bridge, making it easier to attack the blue team.
    • A secret room was added to the map. It is located behind the houses, to the left of the blue base. To get into it, you need to jump under the grate onto the platform with a boost, in flight. The "Secret Room" is a small room with a tunnel, after driving through which you can see another small room with rusty titanifer.