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Main article: Paints

Preview in the garage

General information

Paint type: Basic
Price in garage: 50,500 Crysmini.png
Available from rank: IconMini 16.png
Firebird.png 30%
Freeze.png 11%
Thunder.png 11%
Ricochet.png 11%


Nobody pays much attention to dirty vehicles. The «Loam» paint uses this psychological element to your tank's advantage by disguising it as a dirty piece of machinery. And once your enemy turns his back on you, that's when you strike!

View from the tank

Loam view on tank.png

Logo small.png Did you know that...

The statistics of Turrets and Hulls in ProTanki correspond to their next level of modification in Tanki Online.

For example, Wasp M0 in PT has the same statistics as Wasp M1 in TO. According to rumours, this is why micro upgrades has not been and will not be introduced into PT.