Battle modes

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Battles must include one of the four essential game modes available on the selected map.

Deathmatch [DM]

Main article: Deathmatch

Deathmatch (DM)

The goal is to destroy as many opponents as possible. In Deathmatch, unlike team battles, everything depends entirely on you. Games in Deathmatch mode are limited by either the number of eliminated tanks (frags) or by time.

Team Deathmatch [TDM]

Main article: Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch (TDM)

One of the easiest modes in the game. The goal is to destroy more tanks than the opposing team. Games in TDM mode are limited either by the number of kills or by time.

Capture the Flag [CTF]

Main article: Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag (CTF)

Classic team battle mode. The team's goal is to arrive at the enemy base, take the flag and take it back to their base more times than the opponent. To successfully deliver the flag, it must be delivered to the flagpole at your base, and your flag must remain in position. Games in CTF mode are limited either by the number of flags delivered or by time.

Control Points [CP]

Main article: Control Points

Control Points (CP)

Teams compete to capture and hold points scattered across the map. Points are periodically counted based on how long each team has held them. The more points a team captures, the faster they accumulate points. Victory goes to the team that surpasses its opponent and reaches the objective first. CP mode games are limited by either a set point threshold or a time limit.

Assault [ASL]

Main article: Assault

Assault (ASL)

Asymmetrical battle mode, where each team has its own task. When playing for the red (attacking) side, you need to deliver flags to the opponent’s point. Only red team players can take flags. When playing for the blue (defending) side, it is necessary to protect the point and prevent the attacking side from delivering flags. Games in ASL mode are limited by either a set number of points or by time.

Assault is not a regular game mode and was only available for a limited time during the New Year’s celebrations in 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.

Format Battles

See also: Guide to XP/BP

A format battle is played using a specific combination of turrets and hulls or according to a set of predefined rules.

Hornet and Railgun (XP)

  • Hull: Hornet M2 / M3
  • Turret: Railgun M2 / M3
  • Format does not include: Rearm (turret/hull change availability)

Wasp and Railgun (BР)

  • Hull: Wasp M2 / M3
  • Turret: Railgun M2 / M3
  • Format does not include: Rearm (turret/hull change availability)

Hornet/Wasp and Railgun (ХР/ВР)

  • Hull: Hornet or Wasp M2 / M3
  • Turret: Railgun M2 / M3
  • Format does not include: Rearm (turret/hull change availability)


See also: Parkour

  • Supplies have no cooldown and can be activated at any time.
  • Players do not receive experience points for destroying enemy tanks, capturing flags, or controlling points.
  • The battle fund is fixed at 0 and does not grow.
  • Mines can be deployed instantly.


  • A specific format battle. The term "XP" is an acronym for "Хорнет," which stands for "Hornet" in Russian, and "Рельса" which stands for Railgun in Russian. While the letter "B" in "BP" stems from "Васп," which stands for "Wasp" in Russian, as the letter "P" stands for Railgun, or "Рельса".
  • You could also hear the term "HR/VR" because of the pronunciation of the actual Russian terms for both Hornet and Wasp.