Promo codes

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Promo codes, short for "promotional codes" are special codes that can be redeemed in the Shop in exchange for in-game rewards that range from Crystals to Premium subscriptions.

What is a promo code?

The promo code is a combination of letters and numbers that are organized in the following manner:


Usually, promo codes can be activated at any time after receiving them. However, some promo codes may be temporal, or have a limited time until you activate them. Each promo code is unique, meaning it can only be used once.

How do I get a promo code?

You can get a promo code by participating in official contests and events. You can also get a promo code from YouTubers who participate in the «YouTuber+ Program».

Warning! Do not be fooled by offers to buy promo codes from players — As this is an obvious scam.

How to activate a promo code?

To activate the promo code, open the game's shop Buy.png, scroll down and select the "Promo codes" option in the "Others" section:


Enter the received promo code in the appropriate field and click «Send». If the promo code entered is correct, then all items attributed to this promo code will be instantly added to your account, even if they are not yet available to your rank.

Rewards available through promo codes=

Rewards that can be claimed by activating a promo code:

Consumable items (crystals, supplies, premium subscription duration) will be stacked to the already existing ones. There is no compensation for items that the player already has and can only exist in a single copy (for example, paints).


  • Promo codes first appeared in the game on February 14th, 2023, marking a huge part of the "Valentine's Day" major update.