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In ProTanki, battles are campaigns in which all players take part in to gather the resources needed in order to increase their progress within the game and advance further with upgraded gear through maintaining experience points that are acquired by battling other tanks to death in all kinds of battle modes. There exists a variety of arenas called "Maps" in which the battles take place in.


Battle list.png

The battle list every player has access to when they enter the game as visible on their game's interface.

Every tanker has the ability to create their own battle(s) or choose to enter an already existent one through the battle list in the game's interface. The player can click on the "Create" button on the bottom right of their battle list. Create button.png

There is a cool-down with battle creation, as players are only allowed to make upwards of three battles within the span of five minutes. If a player attempts to make more than three maps within five minutes, they will be met with the cool-down message. In addition, if a battle of the previously made three is gone, the player is allowed to make a new map.

Battles created must contain a valid battle name and a battle mode has to be chosen in order for the player to create their own battle. In addition to that, the player must select a map of the available ones for their rank bracket. All battles are by default set on the 'Summer' map theme, except for Moon Silence, as the battle only exists in space mode.

Creation settings

Every battle creation menu has a selection of settings that modify the battle created to the player's desire. Only players with the PRO Battle Pass have access to the modification of their battle settings. Battles created by players not in possession of the PRO Battle Pass will have their default settings on, the same default settings apply to players in possession of the PRO Battle Pass that choose not to enable the PRO battle setting within their creation menu. Players that have been banned from the chat are NOT allowed to create their own battles for the duration of their chat-ban, but they are allowed to enter battles created by others.

Battle creation settings.png

Battle creation by default assigns you the maximum number of players allowed in the map you've chosen, a time limit of 15 minutes and no 'Destroy limit' (For DM & TDM), 'Flag limit' (For CTF) and 'Score' (For CP). Players, regardless of their possession of the PRO Battle Pass, can modify these three options to their liking.

Once the PRO Battle settings have been enabled, the player has access to a variety of settings they can choose to modify from. The battle settings functions are expressed as following:

  • Rearm: If enabled, allows all players in the battle to change their equipment from the garage while in the battle.
    • (Cooldown effect for changing a certain item is 15 minutes from the moment the player changed his equipment).
    • If disabled, players won't be allowed to change their equipment (paints, hulls & turrets).

  • Bonus boxes: If enabled, allows for supplies to be dropped across the map.

  • Crystal boxes: If enabled, allows for crystal boxes (10 crystals box & Gold boxes) to be dropped across the map.
    • If disabled, crystal boxes and Gold boxes won't be dropped.

  • Supplies: If enabled, players will be able to use all supplies within the battle.
    • If disabled, players won't be able to use any supplies at all.

  • Private battle: If enabled, your battle will not be visible on the battles list.
    • Private battles are only accessible through friend invitations or battle links.
    • If disabled, your battle will remain visible on the battles list.

  • Autobalance: If enabled, teams will be automatically balanced as each player can only choose to

join a team that has less players than the other team.

    • If disabled, players can join any team regardless of the amount of players in each team (unless the team is full).

  • Friendly fire: If enabled, players can inflict damage upon their teammates as equally as they would to an enemy.
    • If disabled, players can not damage their teammates at all.

Map selection

Every battle is required to have a map from the selection pool available to all players. All maps depend on the rank of the player and the availability of the map; whether it's a special map for ongoing holidays or a map that's no longer in the current map pool.

Map selection.png

Every player has the option to also choose a theme for the map they've selected. All maps are on Summer theme by default. Some maps contain Winter theme, while others contain Night theme. Moon Silence is the only map with a fixed map theme, namely the Space mode.


Main article: Ranks

Every battle is required to have a specific bracket of ranks that will allow for other players within that bracket to join the battle. Battles created by the players are by default set on their rank to the maximum rank they are allowed to play with.

Battle ranks.png

Players can choose to diminish or expand the ranks bracket for each map, which can go as low choosing only their rank as the one available for others to join, or expand the bracket by upwards of 10 ranks. When choosing the ranks, player is not allowed to make a battle with the maximum rank lower than what their rank is. Meaning that if a player is First Lieutenant, they are not allowed to make the maximum rank for their battle any less than First Lieutenant.


Every battle created is required to have a particular game mode that will determine the nature of the battle and the way it's played. In the current moment in time, there exists only four battle modes to be played.

Battle modes
DM icon.png Deathmatch (DM)
In this mode there are no teams, players are on their own and are fighting each other individually. The objective is to have the most total kills of all other players and fulfill the kill count determined by the battle OR have the most total kills before the timer of the battle runs out.
TDM icon.png Team Deathmatch (TDM)
In this mode there are two teams, team red and team blue. The objective is to help your team gather the most total kills against the other team until the kill count determined by the battle is met OR have the most total team kills before the timer of the battle runs out.
CTF icon.png Capture The Flag (CTF)
In this mode there are two teams, team red and team blue. Each team is assigned to their designated base and each team has a flag in their base. The objective is the take the enemy flags, which is done by driving through the flag, and return to your team's base to deliver the flag. Each capture flag counts a point towards the team that captured the flag. Objective is fulfilled when either team has successfully capture the flags determined by the battle's flag objective OR when the timer runs out.
CP icon.png Control Points (CP)
In this mode there are two teams, team red and team blue. There exists a series of glowing orbs (or a singular orb) across the map that when captured give the assigned team a point every 10 seconds. The objective of the mode is to capture the points and garner enough battle points until they meet the requirement set by the battle settings OR when the timer of the battle runs out. To capture the point, the player has to get near the point and stay near the radius of the point for approximately six seconds; the time gets lower the more teammates are assisting the player to capture the point, as they all receive their score based on the number of enemies on the opposing team, the score of the single point is distributed amongst all those who have managed to successfully capture the point equally.