Storm (Prize Paint)

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Main article: Paints

Preview in the garage

General information

Paint type: Prize
Price in garage: Priceless
Available from rank:
Spectrum.png 15%


Exclusive coverage that can be earned only in intellectual battles: given only to the winners of "THE GAME" quest. The paint demonstrates to everyone that your IQ is significantly above average, and also has an impressive mental defense - 15% against all types of weapons.

  • It was only obtainable during the duration of the event called "THE GAME," which lasted from the 2nd of January, 2023, to the 8th of January, 2023.

View from the tank

StormPrize view on tank.png

Logo small.png Did you know that...

During the 2022 FIFA World Cup, players could support one of the participating teams by purchasing a special paint.

Those whose team was in the top three received back part of the crystals they spent between the time they purchased the paint and December 18th.

Main article: FIFA World Cup 2022 Paints