Soul Flight

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Main article: Paints

Preview in the garage

General information

Paint type: Special
Price in garage: Priceless
Available from rank:
No protection


Coat your tank in flaming, molten hues, giving it the appearence of a ruthless force from the fiery depths of the hell.

  • Special paint that was only acquirable during the celebrations of Halloween 2023. Players could acquire The «Soul flight» paint as part of a special mission that required destroying 3 "undead" tanks. The Halloween festivities ran from 06:00 MSK on the 30th of October, 2023, to 06:00 MSK on the 6th of November, 2023. The paint is now permanently available in the garages of those who claimed it.

View from the tank

Soulflight view on tank.png

Logo small.png Did you know that...

The winter version of the map Iran appeared in ProTanki thanks to the creator of the original map, mehdadoo.

He sent the resources of this map to a player's mail by the names of XAMER212.

Iran winter.png