ProTanki Fighting 1

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In addition to the the rules of the ProTanki Fighters tournament, general tournament rules are also available in the #rules-tournaments-en channel. The #esports-checker provides information about the eSports Checker mandatory program required for official esports-checker tournaments. The #esports-server channel has information about the dedicated eSports-checker server used for the games. Note that the Russian version of the rules has an advantage over the English version.

1. Participation in the Tournament:

1.1 To participate in the tournament, all eligible teams must register and confirm within the specified timeframe for participation on our Discord server. To do so, please:

- Join the official Discord server
- Enter the "es-registration" channel
- Provide the names of 5-7 players on your team
- All players participating in the tournament must have a Discord nickname that matches their in-game account
- After registration is complete, the team leader or deputy must inform their clanmates of their respective roles
- At the time of application, your post must not have an icon indicating that it has been changed, as shown in the screenshot
- An example of how to submit an application can be found in the "es-registration" channel

- Before confirming participation in the tournament, teams must read and understand the tournament rules. At the time of confirmation, the team must have a full squad (minimum 5 players). By participating in the tournament, teams and their participants confirm that they are aware of and agree to abide by the tournament rules without any reservations.

1.2. The maximum number of teams: 32 1.3. Teams will be granted admission to participate in the tournament based on their confirmed application.
1.4. The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse a team admission to participate in the tournament for the reasons specified in these regulations.
1.5. Only teams consisting of at least 5 players are eligible to participate in the tournament.
1.6. Players who have been suspended from the game are not permitted to apply or participate in the tournament.


2. The Tournament System:

2.1. The tournament consists of two group stages and a playoff:

- Group Stage
- Playoffs will be played using the DE (Double Elimination) system, with teams being eliminated after two losses.

2.2. In the group stage, teams that have passed the admission procedure participate. They are divided into four groups of six teams, and each team must play two matches against every opponent in their group.
2.3. Places in the groups are allocated based on the points earned. A team receives 3 points for a victory, 1 point for a draw, and 0 points for a defeat.
2.4. Teams that finish in the top three places in their groups advance to the next stage of the tournament.
2.4.1. Teams that finish in first place in their groups advance to the second round of the playoffs.
2.5. If two or more teams have the same number of points, their ranking in the group will be determined by:
- The results of all matches played between the teams in question during the tournament.
- The goal difference of all teams involved in the tie at that stage.

If there is still a tie between the teams after considering the above criteria, an additional match will be scheduled in a format determined by the officials.

2.6. 12 teams that finished in the top three places in their groups during the second stage of the group stage participate in the tournament playoffs, with teams allocated according to the schedule. The team that finished second in their group plays against the team that finished third in another group.
2.7. Matches take place according to the schedule published by the Organizing Committee on the official esports server.
2.8. Matches may be postponed or restarted based on the decision of the officials.
2.9. The official Discord server displays the date and time of the match.

The tournament playing days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (except for the playoff stage), and matches take place between 20:00-21:00 MSC. Refer to the schedule for details.

- If there are fewer than 32 teams, the system for the initial group stage may be altered.

3. Rules for Matches.
3.1. Group Stage:
Match format: Best of 1 (consisting of a single battle with four rounds)
- Up to 4 rounds are played on one map.
- The team that captures more flags wins.
- The team that wins the most rounds at the end of the match wins.
- If one team leads 2-0 or 3-0 by rounds after three rounds, the match is stopped and the team is declared the winner.
- Additional rounds are not played during the group stage.

3.2. Playoffs:
3.2.1. Prior to the semifinals, teams play a four-round match against each other.
3.2.2. In the semifinals and finals of the upper and lower brackets, three matches are played on different maps, each consisting of two rounds.
3.2.3. The Grand Final consists of five matches on different maps, with each match consisting of two rounds.
3.2.4. The winner of the stage is determined by the sum of rounds won in each match (in all matches). In the event of a tie, additional rounds are played on the last map of the main match until a team wins. The host team starts the additional rounds for the red team, then they alternate.

3.3. In the first round of the main match, the "host" team always starts on the blue team, then the sides alternate. In the playoffs, the "host" team starts the additional rounds on the red team, then they alternate.
3.4. Prior to the playoffs, teams can make one transfer.

4. Maps, Formats, and Match Rules.

4.1. Maps:
- Siege
- Gubakha
- Pass
- Iran
- Sandal
- Red Alert
- Polygon

4.2. Map Selection.

4.3. The teams are assigned the status of "Host" and "Guest".
4.4. The status is determined by the tournament organizers in the schedule of matches: the clan located above (or to the left) in the tournament grid has the "Host" status.
4.5. In the group stage and playoffs, the maps are determined by a draw.
4.5.1. The maps are crossed out in private messages or on the official Discord channel by the clan leaders or their deputies in turn. The "Host" clan crosses out the first map.
4.5.2. The map crossing out procedure must be started no later than 30 minutes before the official match start time specified in the schedule. A clan that is late or delayed in the Draw may be penalized after the match. The team whose representative did not draw a map according to the turn is responsible for delaying the draw. Absence from the network is not considered a valid reason. The team is given no more than 2 minutes to determine the map for crossing out, unless otherwise agreed with the opponent.
4.5.3. The battle is played on the last uncrossed map. In the semifinals of the upper and lower grids, and in the finals of the upper and lower grids, crossing out takes place until the last map, and the battles are played sequentially on three maps with two rounds each in the order of crossing out (uncrossed, crossed out last, crossed out penultimate). Grand Final fights are played on five maps in the order of crossing out (similar to the semifinals).

4.6.4. In the Grand Final, the battle starts with a score of 1-0 in favor of the team that qualified for the top grid.

4.7. Battles between clans are played in a 5v5 format with supplies, with the following restrictions:

Turrets: any, but no more than one identical turret per team. Isida can only be equipped on a light hull.
Hulls: any, but no more than one heavy hull per team.
Paints: any paint except unique and prize paints can be used.

4.8 During the ProTanki Fighters Tournament, no re-entries are allowed. Changing equipment is allowed only once per round, with penalties applied for any additional changes.

5. Map Creation.

5.1 The map is created by a representative of the hosting clan.
5.2 The "Host" sends the link to the battle to the tournament organizers and the opponent using official communication channels such as Discord or through the system of friends.
5.3 Any issues related to the parameters of the map and the side that the opponent entered must be raised before the start of the match. It is the responsibility of both teams to check the correctness of the map settings before the start of the game.

5.4 Official map settings for the main rounds are as follows:

— PRO battle: enabled.
— Format: no format.
— Mode of play: CTF (flags).
— Number of slots: 6 on each side (5 players and 1 additional slot in case of technical problems).
— Time: 12 minutes (2 minutes to assemble and 10 minutes to fight).
— Flags: no restrictions (dash).
— Private battle: included.
— Bonus boxes: included.
— Gold boxes: irrelevant.
— Supplies: included.
— Friendly Fire: included.
— Change of equipment: included.
— Theme: Summer.
— Rank limits: Allows all players of both teams to join.

5.5. Additional rounds: map settings and weapons are the same as in the main rounds.

6. Prize fund:
— Each victory in a battle during the group stage awards the clan 100,000 crystals.
— Each defeat in a battle during the group stage awards the clan 25,000 crystals.
— Each victory in a battle starting from the playoff stage awards the clan a crystal prize of 225,000 crystals.

- The 3rd place team receives an additional 700,000 crystals to be split amongst the team, and each team member gets 10 days of Premium.
- The 2nd place team receives the Gladiator paint, an additional 1 million crystals to be split amongst the team, and each team member gets 20 days of Premium.
- The 1st place team receives the Acid paint with 20% protection from all guns and mines, an additional 1.5 million crystals to be split amongst the team, and each team member gets 1 month of Premium.

6.1. Crystals for victory or defeat will not be awarded if the team wins by technical defeat.
6.2. The distribution of prizes is carried out by the team leader.
6.3. Each player on the team cannot receive more than 30% of the prize money.
6.4. The tournament organizers have the right not to award winnings if they consider the distribution of prizes doubtful.
6.5. To receive unique colors, a player must play in at least 25% of the rounds* in the group stage and at least 4 rounds in the playoffs.

- A round is counted if a player scores more than 70 points, and their nickname appears on the final screenshot at the end of the battle.