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Main article: Paints

Preview in the garage

General information

Paint type: Basic
Price in garage: 100 Crysmini.png
Available from rank: IconMini 1.png
No protection


Originally, there were no plans to include this color in the official list, as it lacked any practical value, except maybe a decent camouflage in desert areas. However, army psychologists have proved that this particular hue of orange has a positive, therapeutic effect on shell-shocked tanks.

View from the tank

Orange view on tank.png

Logo small.png Did you know that...

The number of points received for healing teammates with Isida does not depend on the amount of HP restored, the player’s rank, or the phase of the Moon.

It depends only on the time spent on treatment.

See also: Experience


Interesting Facts

  • During the Scavenger Hunt, one task containing 10 points required players to find another player wearing the Orange paint and take a screenshot of it.