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Main article: Paints

Preview in the garage

General information

Paint type: Special Group Participants
Price in garage: Priceless
Available from rank:
Spectrum.png 15%


Scientists of secret labs spent years developing this paint. The task was unusual as it was important to create not just a protective coating but an intelligent barrier. The main purpose of Microchip is sorting the questions addressed to the owner. According to the results of tests, 95% of the questions are strange and illogical. With this paint questions that don't meet the requirements are automatically blocked so that the owner gets more time to answer truly important ones.

Attention! The paint is issued only to the ProTanki Discord Moderators. Players who leave the position will lose the paint.

View from the tank

Microchip view on tank.png

Logo small.png Did you know that...

If you don't log into your account for too long, you may lose your nickname!

In order for this to happen, someone must first try to register with your nickname. To avoid this, just show up in the game more often :)

Main article: Automatic renaming of inactive users