How to Use Smoky (Tips and Tricks)
See Also: Tips and Guides, Smoky

- Smoky excels at close to medium ranges, providing an advantage in urban environments and close-quarters combat.
- Smoky's rapid-fire capability allows for sustained barrages, increasing the chances of hitting moving targets and compensating for its smaller caliber.
- Smoky's effectiveness significantly decreases with distance, making it less suitable for long-range engagements and open-field battles.
- Compared to larger tank guns, Smoky might struggle to penetrate heavily armored enemy tanks, reducing its overall effectiveness against formidable opponents.
Hull Combinations for Smoky
Smoky is best used with "Hit and Run" tactics, which require a great amount of mobility. However, multiple smoky shots are usually needed to destroy an enemy, requiring frequent, visible contact with enemies. This increases the time of exposure and the chances of receiving damage from enemies. Thus, when playing with Smoky, it is considered the best to equip a medium hull as it provides a great deal of armor and mobility. Viking is one of the most versatile and widely used combinations for Smoky, while Dictator offsets the base of the turret, allowing the player to peek out of walls and expose only a tiny portion of their hull. Its height advantage also allows players to shoot on top of other tanks, making projectiles pass above obstructing allied tanks.
Lighter hulls provide significant boosts in mobility and enjoyment, and Hornet is a popular choice due to its relative stability and availability. Heavier hulls such as Titan and Mammoth lack the mobility aspect but are ideal for defending specific positions crucial in team matches, due to their abundant armor and high damage dealt per unit of time.
Gamemodes for Smoky
- DM: Smoky's rapid-fire capability allows players to deal continuous damage to opponents, making it easier to secure kills. Try to figure out the approximate armor remaining for each target and prioritize the weakest of all. If other enemies are attacking your target, wait patiently until it is certain that your shot can eliminate the target, then shoot to take the kill.
- TDM: Smoky is a single-hitting turret which can be effective in finishing damaged enemy tanks, contributing to the team's efforts in securing kills.
- CTF: In Capture the Flag, Smoky is usually used as a weapon of support and defense rather than an offensive one. Try to assist your teammates in destroying enemy defenders or shoot on (but not eliminate) enemies advancing on your base. You may switch to a more offensive style and advance on the enemy base once all enemy defenders have been cleared or neutralized.
- CP: It is recommended to use a heavy hull for this game mode, as the objective is to secure long-lasting control over a specific area. Set up a camping position with direct visibility on the point of objective and defend the pathways with mines. Attempt to eliminate as many enemies approaching the point as possible. You may capture the point in case of urgent need, when all enemies are eliminated, or when your team has an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield.
General Tips for Smoky
- Try to engage enemies within this optimal range to maximize your damage output.
- If you're fighting another medium-range turret, you should aim towards the side of the tank; that way, the chances your enemy misses the shot will be higher.
- Smoky's agility advantage in lighter tanks allows you to strafe (move side to side) and dodge incoming enemy fire. Practice maneuvering to make it harder for opponents to hit you, especially when facing heavier tanks with slower turrets.