How to Use Mines

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See also: Tips and Guides

Inventory mine.png

Mine - a friend, comrade, and brother to an experienced tanker. Sneaking behind enemy lines to mine their headquarters, covering comrades during a retreat, or blocking approaches to the base — all of this has become possible thanks to the use of this stealthy, deadly device.

Using mines can significantly enhance your combat effectiveness, especially when used wisely. Here are some tips on how to use mines:

How a Mine Works

To use mines effectively in battle, you need to understand their in-game features. We have compiled the main ones here:

  • If you are not in a Parkour format battle, there is a cooldown time for reusing each supply. For mines, this is 30 seconds.
  • In team battle modes, the mine takes on the color of the team of the player who placed it. In DM, the color of enemy mines differs from the color of the player's own mine:
MineB1.png MineB2.png MineB3.png MineB4.png
Blue team's mine Red team's mine Your mine in DM Enemy mine in DM
  • Enemy mines are visible from no more than 10 meters (two props) away, while allied mines are visible from any distance.
  • Mines do not react to allies (in team modes).
  • Mines are placed at the center of the vehicle's chassis.
  • Mines cannot be placed on flagpoles (in CTF) or on points (in CP).
  • The activation time for a mine is 1 second. This means that after placing the mine, it will be inactive and cannot cause damage for 1 second. Therefore, if an enemy is chasing you at high speed, placing a mine might be useless.
  • If the player who placed the mine dies or leaves the battle, the mine is deactivated.

Effective Use of Mines

It is very important to understand when, where, and for what purpose to place a mine: at your own base, at the approaches to it, at the enemy's base, or just in a random place. Here are some tips:

General Tips

  • Try to place mines in narrow but popular passageways where the enemy is sure to pass.


  • You can also place mines at drop locations—this way, the enemy will not see the mine and is more likely to hit it.


  • Players in heavy and medium hulls often ignore mines and drive over them calmly. You can use this by placing a double mine, which will take away more than half of the enemy's HP or even destroy them.


  • It is also often effective to place mines at a small distance (about half a hull length) from each other.


  • If you are playing on the attack, for example in CTF, do not rush to place a mine. When retreating from the enemy base, a mine can significantly ease your task by destroying or slowing down the base defenders.
  • However, if your base is poorly defended and there is a likelihood of an imminent attack, you can place a mine at your own base before heading out to complicate the task for the attacking players of the enemy team.
  • In CTF, flag defender mines can work in your favor: if the defender is standing right on the flagpole with a mine in front of them, you can easily jump on them and take the flag.



  • Place mines on the approach to the base, not directly at the flagpole, if possible. This will prevent an annoying flag capture (see the last point in Attack) and make defense easier, as the enemies will approach already without HP or repair kits.
  • Do not spare mines: the more there are, the harder it is for attackers. But remember: the destruction of your tank will destroy all the mines you have placed.