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Main article: Paints

Preview in the garage

General information

Paint type: Basic
Price in garage: 192,000 Crysmini.png
Available from rank: IconMini 25.png
Vulcan rez.png 42%
Ricochet.png 32%
Freeze.png 26%


Originally intended as a paint with active offensive properties, «Hive» was supposed to be enriched with special anti-tank bees. However, this plan was dropped due to numerous protests from animal-friendly organizations. As a result, the paint now only retains its color and texture.

View from the tank

Hive view on tank.png

Logo small.png Did you know that...

If you don't log into your account for too long, you may lose your nickname!

In order for this to happen, someone must first try to register with your nickname. To avoid this, just show up in the game more often :)

Main article: Automatic renaming of inactive users