Game terms

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In this article, players will be introduced to ProTanki nomenclature that is used to facilitate communication amongst tankers for easy communication. Majority of the following terms are frequently used, while a few are seldom seen wtithin ProTanki.


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  • AC / Anti-cheat: The anti-cheating system that ProTanki relies on to combat cheaters/hackers of any sort.
  • Admin: Refers to an administrator of the project, chat moderator and/or community managers.
  • AFK: Acronym for 'Away from keyboard,' often used when a player wishes to inform someone they're about to be occupied with something else.
  • AoE: Acronym for the term 'Area of Effect,' which may refer to splash damage of certain turrets. Example: Thunder.


  • Ban / Banned: Refers to a player being banned from the chat, therefore being incapable of making battles either.
  • BP: Acronym for the combination Railgun & Wasp, commonly used in tandem.
  • Bug: An error or defect in ProTanki's system that causes the game to behave in an unintended and/or unwanted way.
  • Buyer: Slang for a player that uses real-life money to purchase in-game currency (Crystals) and/or premium subscription. This term is often used in a derogatory manner, often belittling players that purchase in-game goods for real-life money.


  • Camper: Slang for a player that is gaining heavy advantage over the opposing team by following the strategy of remaining in his/her team's base, while plucking enemy tanks one by one through staying behind objects and laying-low, hidden as much as possible. This term is often used in a belittling manner of the strategy the player follows.
  • Cap: Shorthand for 'capture,' usually in reference to capturing the flag in CTF mode.
  • Clan: Organized congregation of players forming a band, playing together in battles and often times seen in eSports tournaments.
  • Cover me!: A command used by tanker(s) to call for back-up as to cover the tanker requesting immediate aid.
  • CP: Acronym for 'Control Points' game-mode.
  • Crys: Abbreviation for 'crystals'.
  • Crystal boxes: Boxes that fall from the sky, containing 10 crystals.
  • Crystals: ProTanki's in-game currency.
  • CTF: Acronym for 'Capture The Flag' game-mode.


  • Dev(s) / Developer: Abbreviation / Synonym for a developer of the project.
  • DM: Acronym for 'Deathmatch' game-mode.
  • Drop: Could either mean commanding the player to drop the flag, or for supply boxes and/or crystal boxes or gold boxes to drop.
  • Drug(s): Slang for supplies.
  • Drugger(s): Slang for someone heavily using supplies during a battle.


  • eSports: Abbreviation for Electronic sports, an aspect of ProTanki designated for the most professional and competitive players of the game to compete for the top in tournaments!
  • Event: Presenting celebrations into the game, or special organized contests held by the Event Team for a chance to win several prizes.
  • Exp: Abbreviation for the term 'experience,' which is in reference to experience points.


  • f1: Usually referred to a player holding the flag that's 1 shot (takes one shot to be destroyed). Usually a slang among XP/BP players.
  • f2: Same as the former, except it's informing the player that the flag holder is 2 shots (full health).
  • Farm: Could refer to the map Farm, or farming experience points and/or crystals.
  • Fire: Short for Firebird.
  • Flood: Excessive and meaningless chatter.
  • Flipped: Slang for when the player's tank is flipped.
  • FPS: Frames per second; usually in reference to the little numbers on the bottom right corner of every player's screen, which displays both the 'Ping' and 'FPS'.


  • GG: Acronym for 'Good game'.
  • GGWP: Acronym for 'Good game, well played'.
  • Gold: Abbreviation for the infamous 'Gold box,' which awards its catcher a thousand crystals.
  • GL: Acronym for 'Good luck'.
  • Gun: Slang for 'Turret'.


  • Hacker: A cheat that's abusing the system to gain an unfair advantage over others using third-party modifications and programs.
  • Hull: The body of every tanker's tank composition.


  • Ignore: An option to ignore a player, which allows you to hide all messages sent by the player in your ignored list.


  • N/A


  • Kit: A product kit from the garage.
  • ks / Kill stealer: Used to refer to people who steal kills from others.
  • K/D: Your number of kills divided by your number of deaths.


  • Lag: Inefficiency of the player's Ping or FPS, which impairs their connection to ProTanki and in turn accumulating excessive latency compared to the normal amount.
  • Lobby: The general interface of ProTanki, where you can customize everything to your liking; from your game's settings, to purchasing crystals to customizing your tank.


  • Mir: Means "team?" in Russian.
  • Mission: A daily mission.
  • Mod / Moderator: A representative of ProTanki's community in any assigned field. Their main task is to maintain order of the game and ensure the stability and smoothness of everything; fending off offenders through punishing them.
  • Mult: A player that is deliberately idle during an ongoing match, abusing the default pause timer of five minutes and/or deliberately using underlevelled equipment/gear as a way of sabotaging the team they are in.


  • No kill: A slang meaning no kill until everything is sorted out, or if the player wishes to team with another player.
  • Noob / Nub: Term often used to refer to people that are inexperienced in the game and/or are new to the game.
  • Nar/Narek: Means drugger in Russian.


  • OP: Acronym for 'Over-powered'.


  • Paint: The coat in which your tank is covered in to shield itself from other's turrets, as a way of absorbing as much damage as possible to protect its owner tank.
  • Parkour: Performance of tricks and stunts to masterfully overcome the hurdles and obstacles of getting on top of buildings across the map.
  • PRO Battle(s): Battles that are customizable through purchasing the designated pass, namely "PRO Battle Pass". Players with premium can join PRO Battles without purchasing the pass.
  • Point: The glowing orb(s) lying across the map in Control Points game-mode.
  • PT: Acronym for the game's title; ProTanki.


  • N/A


  • Rank: The specific rank of the player, which can be viewed through observing the insignia on the top left corner of every player's screen. Could also refer to a rank up party.
  • ro: Means "Go" in Russian.


  • Server restart: The servers of ProTanki have a daily restart that lasts for a few minutes, they occur at 4 AM +0 UTC (or 7 AM MSK time).


  • TDM: Acronym for 'Team Deathmatch'.
  • Teammate: Your ally on the battlefield. People that join your team.


  • N/A


  • Vote: Players who violate the rules, you can report/vote them by using this command; /vote [nickname] in chat section, ask your teammates to vote them as well, The Game Moderators will deal with the situation as soon as possible.


  • Warn: refers to a warning the player receives in-game as a cautionary measure for attempting to break one of the game's rules.


  • XT: A special time-limited skin for certain turrets and hulls within ProTanki.
  • XP: Usually refers to the popular combination and battle format that's composed of Railgun and Hornet. Could also be short for 'Experience points'.


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