Contest Organizers

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Revision as of 18:47, 21 June 2024 by New.Day (talk | contribs) (→‎List of current Contest Organizers)
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See also: Helpers of the Game

Contest Administrators


Contest Administrators oversee the work of organizers, coordinating and organizing the team and ensuring the efficiency of the team. Their priority is to ensure the best quality of contests and player satisfaction.

Contest Organizers

Contest Organizers Paint

Contest organizers serve as caretakers, handling issues and inquiries from participants and collecting feedback on the contests they organize. Their task is to prepare and organize new contests, utilizing their creativity, to ensure that all participants have equal chances.

Contest Organizer Candidates


Individuals who apply for the Contest Organizer position and want to try their hand at organizing contests. After a probationary period, their work is analyzed, and if they meet expectations, they receive the opportunity to become full-fledged organizers. Selection requires creativity, organizational skills, and quick decision-making.

List of current Contest Organizers

How do I become a Contest Organizer?

You can apply to join the team now via this form


  • Opportunity to receive the Cobalt paint with 15% Spectrum.png
  • Compensation in the form of crystals Crysmini.png for the work you do
  • Good environment to work with a team and improve your communication skills


  • Clean karma, minor violations of the game's rules record
  • No past severe violations.
  • Knowledgeable and active participant of events, the ability to work with a team.

Successful applicants will be contacted within 2 weeks of sending your application. If you are not contacted, consider yourself rejected.