Guide to DM

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See also: Deathmatch, Tips and Guides

DM mode, or Everyone for himself, is a mode in which you have no allies. So in order to achieve victory, you need a special strategy, because random shooting left and right is unlikely to bring you a place at the top of the final table.

Your strategy

In this mode, all players have the same goal — to eliminate as many opponents as possible. Therefore, it's important to understand how to do this effectively while dying as little as possible (since your competitors can take your advantageous position or surpass you in kills during your respawn time). Here are some tips for playing DM:

  • Although DM is considered an individual mode, many players form teams of 2-3 players who protect each other. This is not prohibited by the game rules.
  • A very popular strategy in this mode is "kill stealing": try to eliminate opponents with low HP (for example, those who have been attacked by someone else for a long time), and avoid newly spawned opponents with full HP.
  • As in any mode, constantly analyze the battle situation and change your weaponry accordingly. If your gun is encountering many resistances, change it; if your hull lacks sufficient protection from opponents, change the hull.
  • Many players recklessly start fighting the first player they see when they respawn which often ends up with a kill for kill result, don't do this mistake, analyse your situation and try to get as many secure kills as you can.

Equipment selection

In DM, it is better to choose durability over mobility — after all, enemies are everywhere, and you won't be able to hide behind allies.


The choice of a turret is standard: for large maps, the classic choices are Railgun, Shaft, Thunder, and for small maps — Freeze, Flamethrower, Isida, Hammer. A universal option is medium-range guns: Smoky, Ricochet, Twins. They are even suitable for some large maps, such as Dusseldorf.

A special place among the turrets for DM is occupied by Shaft: with it, you can easily take first places on many maps if you wisely choose positions and know its features.See How to Use Shaft.


As mentioned earlier, in DM it is worth focusing on durability. Therefore, the universal choice is Viking — an excellent hull with a lot of HP and decent mobility. On small maps (Sandbox, Arena, Ping-Pong, etc.), it's better to prefer heavy hulls since you will almost always be under enemy fire.

Of course, you can also use light hulls. This is not meaningless, as their mobility allows you to maneuver easily among opponents almost unharmed (this is especially convenient to do with Wasp). However, this option is suitable only for experienced players who can quickly analyze the game situation and perceive their surroundings.