Hornet XT

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Main article: Hornet, See also: How to Use Hornet (Tips and Tricks)

Description in Garage

Elite Christmas Hornet XT has a unique appearance. Spectacular armor plates stylized as wings emphasize its swiftness and elegance. According to the technical characteristics, it corresponds to the standard Hornet.

Table of characteristics

Modification M0 M1 M2 M3
Available from IconsNormal 05.png IconsNormal 12.png IconsNormal 19.png IconsNormal 27.png
View in Garage
SmallCrystal.png Price 100 000 33 000 33 000 33 000
Protection.png Protection (HP) 122 154 187 210
Top speed.png Top speed (m/s) 10.0 10.7 11.5 12.0
Reverse acceleration (m/s2) 17.77 19.70 21.62 23.00
Acceleration.png Turning speed (°/s) 90.8 105.2 119.7 130.0
Turning acceleration (°/s2) 164.13 166.30 168.46 170.00
Reverse turning acceleration (°/s2) 241.57 270.47 299.36 320.00
Lateral acceleration (m/s2) 9.22 10.98 12.74 14.00
Weight.png Weight (kg) 1616 1905 2194 2400
Power.png Power 1000 1100 1300 1400


Hornet XT was only available for renting during the New year festivities in 2023. As the festivity rages on, the price of renting decreases. The table below illustrates the price of renting and upgrading Hornet XT at different times.

Price reduction table
Day M0 M1-M3
Until January 1 100 000 33 000
January 1 66 000 22 000
January 2 43 000 14 500
January 3 28 500 9 500
January 4 18 500 6 000
January 5 12 500 4 000
January 6 8 100 2 500
January 7 5 300 1 700
January 8 3 500 1 700
January 9 2 300 750
January 10 1 500 500
January 11 1 000 350

Hull Overview

List of Hulls Special
Wasp Hornet Hunter Dictator Viking Titan Mammoth Hornet XT
Wasp3.png Hornet3.png Hunter3.png Dictator3.png Viking3.png Titan3.png Mammoth3.png HornetXT3.png