How to verify account on Discord

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To gain access to the main text and voice channels on the ProTanki Discord server, you need to link your ProTanki account to Discord through the following steps:

1. Complete server onboarding by selecting the role of your localization, then read and agree to the server rules.

Verify 1.PNG

2. Open ProTanki and login to your account.

3. Type /discordkey in the text bar of the main chat and send the command.

4. There should be a new system message in light green containing your verification key. Remember to copy your key at the end of the message!

Verify 2.PNG

5. Navigate to the #verification channel in the Discord server.

Verify 3.png

6. Type >auth YOUR_KEY, replacing YOUR_KEY with the key copied earlier and send the command.

Verify 4.PNG

Congratulations! You should have successfully linked your game account to your Discord account.


  • If you wish to unlink your Discord account from your game account, send the /unlinkdiscord command in the main chat.
  • If you have followed through all the steps but cannot verify your account after multiple tries, please contact a Discord Moderator from your locale and they will assist you further.