Trigger Gold

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Revision as of 14:09, 17 August 2023 by Wham (talk | contribs) (((TA)))
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Allowed turrets: Smoky, Railgun, Hammer, Twins or Ricochet
Turret smoky m0.png Turret railgun m0.png Hammer m0.png Turret twins m0.png Turret ricochet m0.png
Allowed Hulls: Any
Hull wasp m0.pngHull hornet m0.pngHull hunter m0.pngHull dictator m0.pngHull viking m0.pngHull titan m0.pngHull mammoth m0.png
Allowed Paints: Holiday


  • Once you've joined the map, drive to the center and wait for further instructions from the Spectator.
  • Searching for mines before GO is prohibited and will lead to a kick.
  • There will be 20 mines hidden on the map. The first 15 mines will be worth SmallCrystal.png4000 Crystals, while the final 5 will be worth SmallCrystal.png9000 Crystals.
  • For the detonation of each of the mines, gold boxes will be additionally dropped.

IconsNormal 08.png <——> IconsNormal 30.png


  • Map: — (Chosen on the day)
  • Max players: — (as many as the map allows)
  • Battle format: Parkour
  • Time Limit: 999
  • Private Battle: +.png
  • Equipment Change: +.png
  • Bonus Boxes: -.png
  • Crystal Boxes: -.png
  • Supplies: +.png


  • Placing mines and using double damage is prohibited.
  • Destroying other participants is prohibited, but mistakes will be tolerated
  • You are required to leave the battle after finding a total of 3 mines.

Want to participate in this event? Join the discord server below, check the calendar and get ready for an epic battle!