How to Use Firebird (Tips and Tricks)

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See also: Tips and Tricks, Firebird


Plus.png Pros

  • Both flame and burning damage sum up to a very high damage per second (DPS).
  • Afterburn allows you to destroy enemies without constantly focusing on them; simply set your enemies on fire and leave.
  • You can expend a controlled amount of ammo to destroy an enemy.
  • You can still shoot even when your clip is not fully reloaded.
  • Firebird can simultaneously damage multiple enemies positioned within the cone of flame.

Minus.png Cons

  • Firebird has a small ammo clip, limiting it to only 1-2 kills at a time before needing to reload.
  • Firebird is relatively slow when it comes to reloading its clip.
  • While reloading, the player is virtually defenceless and is forced into hiding from enemy fire.
  • Firebird has a short range of effectiveness, so you need to get close to the enemy for increased damage.
  • A tank that is burning changes to a fiery colour, making it easier for other tankers to notice and steal your kill.

Hull combinations for Firebird

As Firebird is a short-range turret, it is ideal to use a light hull as it provides a great amount of speed for the player. Such tanks can take advantage of their mobility to go unnoticed for a long time, hiding and traversing through the terrain to reduce the distance with the enemy, surprising them and lighting them on fire, and then quickly escaping from the conflict scene.

You can also appeal to medium hulls for extra armour at the cost of slightly decreased speed. This allows you to survive for much longer and deal more burning damage when facing heavier tanks with greater firepower. For small and medium maps, the use of a heavier hull becomes more justifiable due to the decrease in average distance to an enemy. Alternatively, Supplies may be used to boost the speed of heavier tanks, making it a viable combination in battle.

Gamemodes for Firebird

  • DM: Try to use medium hulls as they provide sufficient armour to withstand lengthy combat. Do not rely on the afterburn to eliminate enemies as others may steal your kill. Identify and prioritize the enemy with the least armour so that you might be able to get the kill. Try to damage as many enemies as possible by positioning your flame properly if multiple tanks are engaged in a close fight.
  • TDM: Try to locate and destroy clusters of enemies or a target that should be easy to eliminate one on one. Avoid trespassing too deep into the enemy base, as you will only be mowed down by the collective enemy fire, contributing to their score. Remember that the interests of your team are more important than the amount of score that you get!
  • CTF: If using a fast hull, then it's your task to capture enemy flags. With the advantages of your mobility, sneak into the enemy base unnoticed and destroy any defenders by lighting them on fire. Take the flag, swiftly escape the base and bring the flag with allied support. Remember to not engage in time-consuming duels and try to avoid any contact with unaware enemies.
  • CP: It's a feast for the Firebird when a bunch of enemies clump up to capture or defend a point. You may set up ambushes near the point if possible. Try to splash as many tanks as possible with your flame to eliminate more enemies at the same time.

General Tips for Firebird

  • Open fire only when the enemy is within your range, and stop when it moves away. Don't waste unnecessary ammo as it is limited!
  • In close combat, move sideways and apply circle-strafing tactics to your enemy. It makes them harder to aim and damage you.
  • Prematurely exit the combat if your enemy is burning and there are no other tanks visible in sight. Afterburn will eventually eliminate your enemy. This conserves your ammo and allows you to suffer less damage from your enemy's attacks. Note that this strategy should not be used in Deathmatches.
  • After exiting the combat, assess the situation immediately. Locate nearby opponents if you have sufficient ammo and health; otherwise, find a place to safely recharge your clip.
  • Remember to unfreeze your allies with your flame and avoid unfreezing enemies.