Kill the King 1

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Revision as of 10:41, 28 May 2023 by Wham (talk | contribs) (((NA)))
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Allowed turrets: Firebird, Isida, Twins and Smoky
Turret firebird m0 2.png Turret isida m0.png Turret twins m0.png Turret smoky m0.png
Allowed Hulls: Hornet and Wasp
Hull hornet m0.pngHull wasp m0.png
Allowed Paints: Holiday


  • When you join the map, you need to go to the center(Playing Zone) and wait for further instructions from the Spectator.
  • The King will be reliably protected by his Guardians. Killing one of the Guards will reward you with 5000 SmallCrystal.png. The participant who manages to kill the King will receive 15000 SmallCrystal.png, as well as 1 Small Premium Rank.png.

IconsNormal 08.png <——> IconsNormal 30.png


  • Map: Scope
  • Maximum players: (Maximum amount of players on the map)
  • Battle format: Parkour
  • Time: 999
  • Private battle:+.png
  • Equipment change:+.png
  • Bonus boxes:-.png
  • Crystal boxes:-.png
  • Supplies:+.png


  • Attempts to kill the Guardians before the Spectator announces the start of the round will result in a kick from the map;
  • Killing other players is prohibited, but accidental kills are allowed;
  • Players who manage to kill the King or one of his Guardians must leave the map;
  • Winners (Players who managed to kill the Guardian / King) cannot join the next maps - If so, this will lead to the cancellation of previous prizes and / or a kick from the map;
  • It is forbidden to join the map and stay AFK for the weakening of the protection of the Kings.

Want to participate in this event? Join the discord server below, check the calendar and get ready for an epic battle!