YouTuber+ Program

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YouTuber Support Program

YouTuber+ Members Paint

Ytavatar.png The YouTuber+ Program in ProTanki rewards notable YouTubers with various bonuses for creating high-quality content for the game.

YouTube Channel Conduct Rules:

  1. It is forbidden to violate any game rules in videos or live streams.
  2. Provoking others, such as subscribers, to break Game Rules is forbidden.
  3. Provoking players to flood the in-game chat or other official chats is forbidden.
  1. ANY form of insults against viewers and players is banned.
  2. Roulette and any other means of selling game values received from the game administration to viewers or other individuals is strictly forbidden.



  1. Spectator status after 2+ months in the group.
  2. YouTube Paint after 2+ months in the group.
  3. Opportunity to raffle for crystals.


  1. 5 videos per month with 500+ views.
  2. Minimum video resolution of 1920x1080.
  3. Minimum video frame rate of 30 FPS.
  4. Minimum game title display: OO1.
  5. No violations on the YouTuber's account.

YouTuber Elite


  1. All benefits from the YouTuber+ Program.
  2. Opportunity to receive a test account.
  3. Opportunity to host unique contests and events with the Administration.
  4. Enhanced interaction opportunities with the Administration.

Conditions - (Only one of the following conditions must be met.)

  1. Unique content, without repeating formats of other YouTubers.
  2. A large number of subscribers and views compared to the YouTuber+ group.

Spectator Mode Usage Rules

Spectator Mode is provided in the YouTuber+ group for recording purposes.

Restrictions :

  • It is prohibited to participate in open battles, except for filming the drops of Gold Boxes. Waiting for drops in Spectator Mode is also prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to join any in-game events or contests without an invitation and coordination with the Administration.