Tank controls

From ProTanki Online Wiki
Revision as of 15:07, 7 December 2022 by Dxxth (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Tank Controls == Your tank can be controlled with the arrow or WASD keys, press “Spacebar” to shoot, while you can press “Z” and “X” to rotate the turret. Default Tank Control Keybinds: *'''1–5''' - Use supplies (Repair Kit, Double Armor, Double Power, Nitro, Mine). The effect of all supplies last for 45 seconds, aside from the mine, which lasts until the player who placed the mine is destroyed, leaves the battle or another player trig...")
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Tank Controls

Your tank can be controlled with the arrow or WASD keys, press “Spacebar” to shoot, while you can press “Z” and “X” to rotate the turret.

Default Tank Control Keybinds:

  • 1–5 - Use supplies (Repair Kit, Double Armor, Double Power, Nitro, Mine). The effect of all supplies last for 45 seconds, aside from the mine, which lasts until the player who placed the mine is destroyed, leaves the battle or another player triggers the mine.
  • F - Drop the flag. (Available in Capture the Flag mode only).
  • + and - Increase, decrease game screen size. Smaller screen provides higher FPS rates.
  • Tab - Shows the scoreboard of current battle. The scoreboard displays the names and scores of the players participating in the battle.
  • Left-click on a player in the scoreboard to copy his/her nickname to clipboard (useful when you use /vote player’s nickname command to complain).
  • Arrows or WASD keys - Tank movement keys (you can also use arrow keys on the numeric pad when the NumLock is off).
  • Z and X or < and > - Turret rotation.
  • C or ? - Centre the turret.
  • Spacebar - Shoot.
  • Del - Self-destruction. It takes time to self-destruct. Note: Players on MacOs that don't have the Del key can self destruct with Ctrl + Del.
  • Q and E or PageUp and PageDown or [ and ] - Change camera position.
  • Enter - Type a message in the chat, press Enter again to send the message.
  • Tab - Switch between Team chat and General chat with a chat window opened.
  • P - Pause. Please note that pausing the game for longer than 5mins will cause you to be removed from the match.
  • G - Opens the garage (while in battle).

To change your keybinds to controlling your tank, open the Settings tab and click Controls. You can bind a total of 2 keys to one action. Main Article: Settings
