Helpers of the game
Game Moderators
Game moderators help both new and experienced players, and guard the chat and battles by punishing people that violate the rules of the game. If you encounter a rule-breaker and there is no Game Moderator nearby, you can join the ProTanki Discord server (See Social Networks and report them in the channel #violations.
Game Moderators are indicated in the chat by their unique icons:
Game Administrators:
Game Moderators:
Game Moderator Candidates:
Discord Moderators
On the ProTanki discord server, moderators keep the peace by monitoring players' behavior and enforcing the rules of the social network.
Discord Positions
Discord Administrators
EN Discord Moderators
RU Discord Moderators
Discord Moderators Candidates
Wiki Editors
Articles that are valuable to players are updated by Wiki editors; if you have a suggestion for an article or see a mistake, you should contact the Wiki editors.
Wiki Positions
Wiki Administrators
Wiki Editors
Wiki Editors Candidates
Event Helpers
The task of creating and planning events for participants falls to event organizers, while event helpers assist in organizing events to ensure that participants get the most enjoyment out of them.
Events Positions
Event Administrators
Event Organizers
Event Helpers
Event Helpers Candidates
Contest Organizers
Cool player contests where you can win prizes? Sounds nice? These contests are organized by contest organizers, who also decide if any rules or guidelines were not violated when staging the contest and they public list of the winners.
Contests Positions
Contests Administrators
Contests Organizers
Contests Organizers Candidates
Parkour Contest Organizers
Parkour Contest Organizers Candidates
eSports Helpers
eSports tournament organizers are a team of helpers in charge of planning the current competitions and guaranteeing its quality and regularity. Ordinary gamers are becoming more and more engaged in eSports as a result of their efforts.
eSports Positions:
eSports Administrators and Curators
eSports Officials
eSports Commentators
eSports Operators
eSports Reporters
eSports Candidates
Testers are the first to try all the new innovations and implemented items to finally polish and test them before they're available for the public, as well as helping to identify errors and debug all the mechanisms of ProTanki so that they can work as smoothly and flawlessly.
Tester Positions
Testers Administrators
Testers Candidates
A group of professionals known as designers that create the game's visuals. They create visuals for the appearance of initiatives, occasions, and material posted on authorized platforms.
Designer Positions:
Administrator of Designers
Designers Candidates
Rent a Spec
Anyone may join the Rent a Spec server and hire a spectator from a group of professional observers who record films and snap pictures from spectator mode for players.
Rent a Spec Positions:
Administrator of Spectators
Spectator Candidate