Design a Gift Entries 2024

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Revision as of 20:21, 20 July 2024 by CreatorTheGreat (talk | contribs) (Awarded Works from Create a gift concept ((NA)))
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Awarded Works

Original Redesign Info
RZ5YF76w.jpg FNw.png Category: Gift Concept
Place: 1st*
Author: xj9
Redesign: CreatorTheGreat
ZVn31crw.jpeg none Category: Gift Concept
Place: 2nd*
Author: Darkness-Samurai
Kdsfhngkjsrbetnkjnew.jpg none Category: Gift Concept
Place: 3rd*
Author: NozoWatson
Sdjhkvbsjbhvw.jpg none Category: Gift Concept
Place: 4th*
Author: SeTor
46504856g4808547watermakr.png|link=]] PRE4SEN1w.png Category: Gift Concept
Place: 5st*
Author: WingsBlack
Redesign: CreatorTheGreat