Game installation guide for Linux & MacOS

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See also: Tutorials

In this article, I will walk you through the process of installing ProTanki for Unix based OS's.

Game installation for Windows is pretty straightforward, you just navigate to ProTanki website where you click Download and proceed just as usual.

MacOs Installation Guide

  • Go to the ProTanki website and download the client;
  • After you unsuccessfully try to launch the client, press F4 to open Spotlight search and type "System Settings"
  • Navigate to Privacy & Security and locate a window that says "StandaloneLoader was blocked" and click Open Anyway
  • Now you can login and you're good to go!

You can also follow the steps to solving the problem through this video.

Linux Installation Guide


Installing ProTanki on Linux is not as straightforward and requires a little bit of patience but I believe that anyone can do it.

The first step is downloading Wine, Wine is essentially a free and open-source compatibility layer that allows application software and computer games developed for Microsoft Windows to run on Unix-like operating systems.

First, we want to check if Wine isn't already installed on your computer. Open the terminal and run the following command:
dpkg -s wine

In such case, you can skip to the end of the tutorial to see how you can run ProTanki.

Wine Installation Guide

  1. Go to the Wine official website
  2. Click the Download link
  3. Under WineHQ Binary Packages click on the Linux distribution you're using
  4. Follow the instructions for the distribution you're using and make sure not to skip any steps.

If you're unsure which Linux distro you're using, you can run this command in the terminal:
cat /etc/os-release

A little side note, I recommend going with the Wine stable version since the other versions are unstable and are recommended for testers and developers.

Running ProTanki

  1. Navigate to Protanki website and click the download link
  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the exact directory where the installer is located, otherwise you'll get an error; in most cases, the installer will be located in the Downloads folder so change directory to the Downloads folder:
    cd Downloads
  3. You can verify if the installer is there by writing ls
  4. Now, you can run the final command to install ProTanki using wine:
    wine protanki-installer.exe

Attention: If you get an error such as "command wine not found", simply install the command by running this in the terminal:
sudo apt install wine or sudo dnf install wine

- depending on the package manager used by your Linux distribution

After you've successfully installed the command wine, simply rerun wine protanki-installer.exe and enjoy !