Team Deathmatch
See also: Battle modes, Guide to Team Deathmatch
Team Deathmatch (TDM) Team Deathmatch (TDM) is similar to Deathmatch, but it is split into two teams: Team Red and Team Blue.
The goal — destroy more tanks than the opposing team. TDM games are limited by either number of team points or time.
Every player is responsible for their own team, as their kills contribute to the final pool of points accumulated over the course of the battle. If an enemy in TDM mode is destroyed not by one tanker but by two or more, twice as many crystals will be added to the battle fund, instead of 1.5 times as in other team modes. The team receives 3 team points for destroying an enemy. If the enemy in TDM mode is destroyed by two or more tankers, the team will receive 5 team points instead of 3. The maximum limit of team points is 9999.
Unlike classic Deathmatch mode, players' spawn points are fixed at their bases. To start battling other players, you must go to the center of the map or the opposing team's base. As a result, the number of kills per player is typically lower than in classic Deathmatch mode.