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A pop-up message when the player receives a gift

Gifts are items in ProTanki that allow players to send a customized letter (message) to one another, including oneself. You can send your allies a gift commending them for their valiant efforts in a previous battle, or send your enemies a gift commending their excellence within the battle! You can also send your allies or friends a valuable gift to cherish in their garage as a reminder! Players can access and send gifts through the "Special" tab in their garage, which contains all available gifts for purchase. All gifts are unlocked to players starting from the rank of IconMini 7.png Staff Sergeant.


Gifts are unique entities that have their own identity, name and price. Players can send gifts to each other, regardless of them being friends or not. Each gift varies in the price, including gifts that are available during special holidays. To send a gift, the player must enter the recipient's correct username as well as message that cannot exceed the character limit of 250.

Once a player receives their gift, a pop-up message with a camouflage-themed gift icon will immediately appear once the player enters their garage (if they are in a battle), or in the general interface once they switch tabs, two options will be present within the pop-up message; the player has the freedom to either view the gift right away or close the pop-up and view the gift manually. Every and all gifts the player receives are going to be featured in a new section within the player's garage, called "Gifts". This section contains all gifts that the player has ever received, or will ever receive in the future.

The section displays a thumbnail of the gift that the player can click on. Once the gift is clicked, it will display the following information on the right side of the player's screen:

● Name of the gift
● Picture of the gift
● Username of the sender
● Date of the received gift
● The custom message sent by the player.

List of gifts

Regular gifts

Gift Icon Price Description
Badge Badge gift.png 200 Crysmini.png A company badge is the best way to tell a friend that he's a real tanker.
Like Like gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png Send a thumbs up to someone who has impressed you in a battle.
Dislike Dislike gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png A thumbs down is the perfect answer to anything you don't like.
Bro! Bro! gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A Tanki statuette granting +1 to coolness.
Helmet Helmet gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A tank helmet is an essential piece of equipment for any seasoned player.
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png The best way to confess your feelings to someone you care about.
Tangled Turret Tangled Turret gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png Sometimes they just come into your team...
Claws Claws gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png When someone's hands are simply not meant to be used for playing video games...
Golden Wrench Golden Wrench gift.png 10 000 Crysmini.png A golden wrench is the perfect gift, even for tankers with the most sophisticated taste.
Blue Sphere Blue Sphere gift.png 100 500 Crysmini.png The legendary blue ball. Yes, that's him.

Special gifts

During festivities and other holiday-themed events, you'll find unique gifts that correlate with the thematic of the game that are only available for a limited duration. Below is a compilation of all special gifts.

Valentine's Day 2022

The event lasted from February 15th till February 17th, 2022.

Gift Icon Price Description
Valentine Valentine gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png A great way to wish a loved one a Happy Valentine's Day... or finally confess your feelings!
Cupid Cupid gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A great way to wish a loved one a Happy Valentine's Day... or finally confess your feelings!
Golden harpoon Golden harpoon gift.png 10 000 Crysmini.png A great way to wish a loved one a Happy Valentine's Day... or finally confess your feelings!

Defender of the Fatherland Day 2022

The event lasted from February 22nd till February 23rd, 2022.

Gift Icon Price Description
Token Jeton gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate another tanker on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Pair of socks Socks gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png Cold feet can make you feel bad and prevent you from winning a fight. These socks will keep your feet warm and your morale up.
Toy Tank Tank toy gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate another tanker on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Binoculars Binoculars gift.png 5 000 Crysmini.png An indispensable tool for an experienced fighter who prefers to scout the situation on the battlefield before rushing to the attack.
Golden watch Hand clock gift.png 10 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate another tanker on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Crimson beret Crimson beret gift.png 10 000 Crysmini.png The highest form of encouragement for the most skillful and successful tankers. The presence of a maroon beret on a tanker is a confirmation of the courage shown by him in battles.

International Women's Day 2022

The event lasted from March 8th till March 9th, 2022.

Gift Icon Price Description
Box of chocolates Box chocolates gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate the beautiful half of the tank community on March 8th.
Bouquet of roses Flowers gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate the beautiful half of the tank community on March 8th.
Golden necklace Izida gift.png 10 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate the beautiful half of the tank community on March 8th.

Victory Day 2022

The event lasted from May 7th till May 9th, 2022.

Gift Icon Price Description
Pith helmet Shlem gift.png 7 000 Crysmini.png The scratches on the tank helmet tell of the tanker's days in battle. A new helmet is the best gift for a tanker whose helmet is already pretty wrinkled and needs to be replaced.
Medal Orden gift.png 10 000 Crysmini.png A great way to congratulate tankers on Victory Day.
Quenchless flame Fire gift.png 14 000 Crysmini.png When clouds gather over the battlefield and everything seems lost, this gift becomes a reminder that the light of hope is the last to go out.

Halloween 2022

The event lasted from October 28th till November 2nd, 2022.

Gift Icon Price Description
Candies Candies gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png «Trick or Treat» is only fun if you have candy on hand to pay off. But be careful! Too much can be bad for your teeth. It's better to share them with your tanker friends.

New Year 2022-2023

The event lasted from December 31st till January 12th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
Gold Box Ny gold box preview.png 2 023 Crysmini.png I see you can't catch a gold box, so I decided to gift you one instead!
Irbis Christmas toy Irbis ball preview.png 500 Crysmini.png An amazing decoration for a tank, but they say it scares away the enemies isida's...
HR Keychain Hornet keychain preview.png 7 000 Crysmini.png Increases wielder's skill by 8, but only in format battles.
Lucky Error Ny critical error preview.png 10 000 Crysmini.png Let that mistake be only here!

Valentine's Day 2023

The event lasted from February 14th till February 20th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
The Ice Heart Ice heart gift.png 5 000 Crysmini.png Melt your other half's heart!
Cookies and nanorobots Nanocookie gift.png 3 000 Crysmini.png Warning: This gift is edible!
Valentine's Valentine gift 2023.png 1 000 Crysmini.png With love.

International Women's Day 2023

The event lasted from March 8th till March 13th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
Spring lady Spring lady gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png Bathed in the soothing spring sunshine...
Basket of flowers Basket of flowers gift.png 5 000 Crysmini.png A beautiful bouquet - for a beautiful tank girl.
Box of sweets Box of sweets gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png For the true tank ladies.

April Fools Day 2023

The event lasted from April 1st till April 5th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
Transparent Banana Transparent banana gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A strange object found in the 4D world. The additional spatial axis does not allow the banana to fit into the 3D space of our universe, which makes it appear transparent.
Roulette Roulette gift.png 3 000 Crysmini.png Available to every Youtuber and not only.
Team on Gold? Gold team gift.png 500 Crysmini.png It could've worked out.
Ping?! Ping gift.png 5 000 Crysmini.png A friend couldn't take the gold? Maybe you should remind them that ping is always an excuse.

Cosmonautics Day 2023

The event lasted from April 13th till April 16th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
The Cosmos Cosmos1.png 2 500 Crysmini.png You are not controlling the tank, gravity has no effect on you.

ProTanki Anniversary 2023

The event lasted from July 11 till July 18, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
Gold Goldbd23.png 2 000 Crysmini.png Indulge in the irresistible allure of Gold in chocolate. You can't eat it alone, you need to share this delicious delight together with friends.
Badge Badgebd23.png 500 Crysmini.png A commemorative badge to send to your fellow tankers, made in honor of celebrating 2 years of exciting battles!

Halloween 2023

The event lasted from October 30th till November 5th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
Halloween kit Candy pumpkin gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A great treat in a spooky shell.
Horrifying Pumpkin Funny pumpkin gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png It is her laughter that is sometimes heard on holiday maps...
Holiday cookies Macaron gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png Terribly tasty, it's unlikely to be shared with friends...
Pumpkin keychain Pumpkins badge gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png An excellent decoration for tank keys during the holidays.
Tombstone Rip gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png Stores parts of departed tanks.

Black Friday 2023

The event lasted from November 25th till November 26th, 2023.

Gift Icon Price Description
Percentage Percentage gift.png 600 Crysmini.png A great reminder of the days of discounts

New Year 2023-2024

The event lasted from December 28th, 2023 till January 7th, 2024.

Gift Icon Price Description
New Year's Gift Ny gift preview.png 1 000 Crysmini.png What could it be?
Snow Globe Snow globe preview.png 2 000 Crysmini.png Rumour has it that during an expedition in 1989 to Antarctica, a group of scientists discovered a frozen, abandoned tank. It's still unknown as to how and when it got there. In honour of this, one of the scientists made a figurine out of Arctic ice and brought it home.
Golden Caviar Golden cavier preview.png 3 000 Crysmini.png No New year's dinner can go without it.

Valentine's Day 2024

The event lasted from February 14th till February 18th, 2024.

Gift Icon Price Description
Box of Chocolates Box chocolates gift val24.png 1 400 Crysmini.png

This delicately decorated gift set includes some of the best chocolates available, created with love and care. Inside you will find chocolate truffles, fragrant fruit candles, delicate marzipan treats and many more delicious treats that are great for sharing. This gift is filled with tenderness and attention, perfect to emphasise your love and devotion on this special day!

Women's Day 2024

The event lasted from March 8th till March 10th, 2024.

Gift Icon Price Description
Box of flowers WD1 gift 2024.png 1 500 Crysmini.png A beautifully decorated gift box that has never before been opened. It contains only the most beautiful gifts of nature. It's the ideal gift to celebrate international Women's day

April Fools Day 2024

The event lasted from April 1st till April 7th, 2024.

Gift Icon Price Description
Tank from Battle City Tank bc gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png A collectible figure from ancient times. From the very times when our ancestors walked three hours to school through dense forests swarming with hungry wolves.
Gold Tank Battle City Gold tank bc gift.png 2 097 152 Crysmini.png The only thing that distinguishes it from the usual is its increased uselessness. It's guaranteed to just gather dust on the store shelves and won't be able to sell itself. Who even came up with the idea to display such a product on the second day after discounts have already started, when almost everyone has already spent their crystals on something more useful? And why such a strange price for solid gold?

Cosmonautics Day 2024

The event lasted from April 12th till April 15th, 2024.

Gift Icon Price Description
Orbital Tank Cosmos2.png 1 500 Crysmini.png A new generation of combat machinery designed for space, based on the prototype of a brave pilot from the distant past. Equipped with solar panels and launched into orbit using mines. According to the instructions, it is highly recommended to use no more than 1000 mines for launch.

Easter 2024

The event lasted from May 5th till May 13th, 2024.

Gift Icon Price Description
Easter bunny Easter tank gift.png 1 000 Crysmini.png The one that brings you golden eggs.
Cake Tank Easter tank gift.png 2 000 Crysmini.png You don't drive the tank... you eat it...