Tank controls

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There are two control schemes in the game: keyboard and keyboard + mouse.

When playing with the keyboard only, you can move the tank with the arrow keys and WASD, shoot with the Spacebar, and rotate the turret with the Z and X keys.

In addition, you can use the mouse (only available in full-screen mode) to rotate the turret and control the camera, as well as shoot with the left mouse button.

Control Keys

12345 – use supplies (first aid, double armor, double power, nitro, mine).

F – drop the flag (available in CTF mode).

Numpad+ and Numpad- – increase or decrease the size of the game window. The smaller the window, the less processor and GPU load.

Tab – view the statistics of the current battle. The table shows the participants in the battle and their combat performance.

Default controls

Ctrl + left-click on the player's nickname – copy the player's nickname to the clipboard.

or WASD – tank movement (the arrows on the NumPad can also be used when NumLock is off).

Z and X or < and > – rotate the turret to the left/right.

C or ? – center the tank turret.

Space – shoot.

Delete or Ctrl + \ – self-destruct. 10 second delay after pressing.

Q and E or PageUp and PageDown or [ and ] – raising and lowering the camera.

Enter – open Chat to send a message to players, press Enter again to send a message.

Enter + Tab – team chat.

P – pause.

F11 – turn on the full screen mode. Pressing the key again disables it.

Esc – 1) exit the full screen mode, battle or game; 2) cancel the action (in dialog windows).

Additional mouse control options

The ability to control the mouse is available by turning on the appropriate option in settings. Then you have to switch to fullscreen mode - press F11 or left-click on the window with the game.

Left mouse button – shoot.

Moving the mouse left-right – rotate the camera horizontally (the turret will rotate following the camera).

Move the mouse up and down – raise / lower the camera.

Right mouse button (hold) - block rotation of the turret following the camera.

Tab (hold) – call the cursor (for example, if you need to go to garage, lobby or invite friends).

Z and X or < and > – switch to the traditional control scheme, left-click on the window - return to mouse control.

All other keys work as in the standard control scheme.

What do I do if the tank is upside down or on its side?

  • If the tank is on its side and equipped with a recoil turret, you can try to shoot into the ground to recover.
  • If this doesn't work, you can ask your teammates for help. They can try to return your tank to its normal position.
  • Otherwise, press Delete to self-destruct (adds 1 to your destroyed count).
    • If this doesn't work, use the key combination Ctrl + \.
    • If you don't have the Delete key on your keyboard (e.g. Mac OS users), press Fn + Backspace.

Tip: If you have a turret with recoil, you can significantly reduce the chance of the tank rolling over when jumping off cliffs. All you have to do is shoot into the side of the rollover.

Possible problems with keyboards

Keep in mind that not all computers can keep track of multiple keystrokes at the same time, especially if there are "arrows" among them. You will notice this if your tank can't shoot and turn the turret at the same time while moving. Now there is no tool in the game to change the configuration of the controls, but you can try to solve this problem. Use the alternative control on the WASD keys or use a keyboard that is able to transmit multiple keystrokes at the same time without errors.