Spectator mode

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Revision as of 18:43, 6 September 2023 by Dguyj (talk | contribs)
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Spectator mode is a powerful tool for shooting game videos, moderating games, and organizing esports broadcasts. Functionally, it is an opportunity to enter any battle (regardless of the rank and the number of players inside the map) in free camera mode. The spectator does not have a tank on the battlefield and cannot influence what happens on the map in any way. But it can move throughout the entire space of the map (including passing through textures and tanks).
Spectator live.jpg


  • Free movement of the camera throughout the map space;
  • Various modes of camera movement on the map, customizable speed;
  • The ability to bind the camera to a specific tank;
  • Displaying the amount of health of all players;
  • The ability to create "key points" anywhere on the map and move the camera between them (used in broadcasts);
  • The ability to write messages to the game chat with the Spectator tag (not available to every spectator);
  • The ability to hide elements of the game interface HUD.

How to get a spectator?

Spectator mode can be obtained in several ways:

  • Become an official helper to the game and use the Spectator mode in order to perform official duties.
  • Participate in the Youtubers Program.