Guide to catch Gold Box

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Revision as of 16:24, 13 February 2023 by Noizy (talk | contribs)
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We know that Golds fall randomly, but we cannot determine where they will drop, only when they will drop. The falling distance of Golds varies from map to map.

If you want to know how to catch Gold easily, here are some tips:

  • Be ready when the "Gold Box Will Be Dropped Soon" sign appears. Defend your tank and let others know that you are prepared for any unexpected fights or shots.
  • Avoid killing enemies, unless they start attacking you. Peaceful play is one of the important aspects of Gold time.
  • Don't stay in an open area if none of your team is playing. You will be an easy target for enemies.
  • The Dictator hull gives you a better chance of catching Gold, due to its height.
  • Climb on top of other tanks for an easy catch. Having a teammate to help is ideal.
  • Hide and focus on killing other players with long-range turrets such as Railgun, Thunder, or Shaft. This will reduce the number of players and increase your chances of catching Gold.