Destructive Football

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Revision as of 12:33, 18 July 2023 by Wham (talk | contribs) (((NA)))
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This event format is a test one and may have a large number of shortcomings.


Allowed turrets: Twins
Turret twins m0.png
Allowed Hulls: Wasp or Hornet
Hull wasp m0.png Hull hornet m0.png
Allowed Paints:
Red team
Blue team


  • After joining the map, you need to go to the center and wait for further instructions from the Spectator.
  • You will need to score the ball (Helper) in the goal.
  • It is forbidden to start playing before the "GO" command from the Spectator, otherwise you will be kicked from the map.
  • Players of the winning team receive 7500 SmallCrystal.png each.

IconsNormal 08.png <——> IconsNormal 30.png


  • Map: — Stadium TDM
  • Max players: 16 (8v8)
  • Battle format: Parkour
  • Time Limit: 30 minutes
  • Private Battle: ON
  • Equipment Change: OFF
  • Bonus Boxes: OFF
  • Crystal Boxes: OFF
  • Supplies: ON


  • Do not use mines or double power, otherwise you will be kicked from the map.
  • Killing is prohibited.
  • Red team has to equip Red paint, and blue team has to equip Blue paint.

Want to participate in this event? Join the discord server below, check the calendar and get ready for an epic battle!