Friends system

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In ProTanki, the friends system helps players find comrades shoulder-to-shoulder that will aid them in the process of combating enemies on the battlefield! Your comrades are always there for you.


Friends list

Friends list.png

See also: Lobby

In the topmost panel of your lobby is where the Friends.pngFriends button is located at. Clicking on it will unveil a menu with three sections and a few search boxes. The main section, friends, is the default when pressing the button. This section contains all the usernames of your friends, their ranks as well as the battles they are currently playing within (if they are online).

From this menu, players can interact with their comrades through battle invitations, deletion of their comrades from the friends list and viewing their profiles.

How do I invite a friend to my battle?

You can click on the username of your friend through the friends menu. Once done, you'll be met with a few options, one of which is the Invite to battle option. By clicking on it, your friend will instantly be sent an invitation to the battle you've invited them to.

Friend menu.png

  • Once you have invited a friend to the battle and they have accepted your invitation, you'll receive the following notification.

Invitation acceptance.png

  • If you have invited a friend to the battle and they have rejected your invitation, you'll receive the following notification.

Invitation refusal.png

"Show notifications"

  • If the friend you are trying to invite has the option "Show notifications" disabled from their Settings button.png settings, you'll receive the following notification.

Notifications disabled.png

Sent requests

Sent requests.png

When you send others a friend request, your request will be shown amongst others (if you've sent multiple requests) within the "Sent requests" tab, second in row in your friends menu.

How do I send a friend request to others?

The procedure is very simple and can be done in a rather comprehensible manner.

  • There are two ways you can add others; first method to add another player is, you need to click on the username of the player that you wish to add. Then, a multitude of options will appear within that tiny tab, you can add the person by pressing on "Add to friends", either through the general chat, the battle information menu or when you're in the same battle as that person you wish to add.

Add to friends.png

  • The other method to adding people is through writing their name within the search box of your "Sent requests" tab. If the username is correct, the field will retain its normal color as the check mark will be shown on the right side of the search box. If the username is incorrect, the field will be dimly red-lit with a false mark on the right side of the search box. Once you've confirmed the username you wish to send a friend request to, you can confirm the sending of your request by pressing "Send".

Once done, the player you've chosen to add will receive a notification of you friend request on their "Incoming requests" tab within the friends menu, to which they can choose to either accept your friend request or reject it. So long as the request is still pending, it'll remain in the 'Sent requests' tab, where you can choose to either cancel the request sent, or, keep it.

Incoming requests

Incoming requests.png

When you receive a friend request, it'll be shown in the "Incoming requests" tab within your friends menu.

  • You have the option to either accept, or reject, a received friend request.
  • Once you've accepted the friend request of someone, you will have them on your friends list with a name tag next to their username field within the menu that reads "New!". This tag disappears after you close your friends menu. Now you can invite your new comrades to assist you within the battle field! Summon any friend of yours through inviting them by clicking on their username and pressing the option that reads "Invite to battle".

To a life-long camaraderie between you and your new friends!