Rank Brackets

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See also: Ranks, Battle Ranks

The creator of a battle decides the range of ranks in which players can participate in, providing opportunity for players to play in battles against different levels of ranks and equipment. Players should carefully consider the icons of allowed ranks before entering their battle of choice, in order to compare their level of strength with possible opponents.

Battles created by players are set to the maximum rank they are eligible to play with by default. You can drag the slider on both ends to either restrict or expand the rank bracket to accommodate for a different range of ranks.

Battle ranks.png

However, it is not possible to create battles that the creator cannot participate in. This means the creator of a battle must have a rank between the minimum and maximum rank of the bracket inclusive.

For example, if a player is a First Lieutenant, they cannot set the maximum/minimum rank for their battle lower/higher than First Lieutenant.

Table of Characteristics

The following table illustrates all possible combinations of rank ranges for each rank.

To read the table, use the following guide:

  • Green indicates the default range of ranks excluding the player's own rank, which stretches up to the highest rank the player can play with in the battle.
  • Grey indicates the range of ranks excluding the player's own rank which stretches down to the lowest rank the player can play with in the battle.
  • Blue indicates the player's own rank, which will always be included in the bracket. The numbers inside indicate the maximum width of the bracket that can be created for the specified rank.
Possible Ranks in Bracket
IconMini 1.png IconMini 2.png IconMini 3.png IconMini 4.png IconMini 5.png IconMini 6.png IconMini 7.png IconMini 8.png IconMini 9.png IconMini 10.png IconMini 11.png IconMini 12.png IconMini 13.png IconMini 14.png IconMini 15.png IconMini 16.png IconMini 17.png IconMini 18.png IconMini 19.png IconMini 20.png IconMini 21.png IconMini 22.png IconMini 23.png IconMini 24.png IconMini 25.png IconMini 26.png IconMini 27.png IconMini 28.png IconMini 29.png IconMini 30.png
Rank of Creator IconMini 1.png 7
IconMini 2.png 7
IconMini 3.png 7
IconMini 4.png 7
IconMini 5.png 8
IconMini 6.png 8
IconMini 7.png 8
IconMini 8.png 8
IconMini 9.png 8
IconMini 10.png 8
IconMini 11.png 8
IconMini 12.png 9
IconMini 13.png 9
IconMini 14.png 9
IconMini 15.png 9
IconMini 16.png 9
IconMini 17.png 9
IconMini 18.png 9
IconMini 19.png 9
IconMini 20.png 10
IconMini 21.png 10
IconMini 22.png 10
IconMini 23.png 10
IconMini 24.png 10
IconMini 25.png 10
IconMini 26.png 10
IconMini 27.png 11
IconMini 28.png 11
IconMini 29.png 11
IconMini 30.png 11


By reading the row horizontally, we find out that a player at IconMini 20.png Major rank can create battles accommodating a minimum rank of IconMini 12.png Warrant Officer 2 and a maximum rank of IconMini 29.png Commander.

However, by reading the column vertically, the player can participate in battles that contain ranks from IconMini 12.png Warrant Officer 2 to IconMini 30.png Generalissimo.