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Revision as of 00:01, 20 June 2023 by AndreyZT (talk | contribs)
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ProTLVK Logo.png

ProTanki Level Viewer Kit (ProTLVK) — a special tool that gives players an opportunity to test different maps.

Often used by map makers and is also widely used by content creators for art.

How to use?

The main panel looks very similar to ProTanki one: battles, garage, settings, sound, fullscreen mode and help buttons. There is also a panel of rank and crystals, though they mainly serve for decoration.

ProTLVK button bar view.png

In the center there are map options, where you can select a specific map, skybox, gravity and billboard.

ProTLVK map settings view.png

Setting up the map

Map list

ProTLVK map list.png

  • Maps are subdivided into 4 categories: summer, winter, holiday and test.
  • Test maps could appear on the main server.


  • By changing the skybox, the lighting on the map also changes.
  • Skyboxes also have 4 categories similarly to maps.
  • Skyboxes with a number prefix at the end only differ in the direction of the shadows.


  • By clicking on the button, you can change the gravity of the map
  • 5 types of gravity: Default, Space, Moon, Madness и Madness 2.


  • When you click on the button, you can select the billboard of any holiday.

Launching the map

  • To start the map, press the "Launch" button.

File:Protlvk battle view.jpg

Now you can do whatever you want: adding tanks, gold boxes, and even more.



Insert - add a tank.

Delete - delete current tank.

N - select next tank.

Shift + N - select previous tank.

Numpad 7 / Numpad 9 - change the turret.

Numpad 4 / Numpad 6 - change the hull.

Numpad 1 / Numpad 3 - change the paint.

[ - select the previous weapon.

] - select the following weapons.

; - select the previous turret effect.

' - select the following turret effect.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 - drop a supply.

F4 - open the hull physics editor for the current tank.

You can find all key bindings in the "Инструкция.txt" file.


Here you can see how the tank will look from different angles.

File:Protlvk garage view.jpg

Change view - makes the tank white and the garage black, so you can cut the tank with the alpha channel mask in Photoshop.

Put on your own paint - allows you to try on the paint you've created.

Reload config - reloads hulls turrets paints from config.xml.

In addition to the garage functions, you can also press these keys:

T - hide/show the turret.

H - hide/show the hull.

G - hide/show the garage.

ZXC - turret control.

F - free camera mode.

Free camera only:

7 / 8 / 9 - load camera position.

Shift + 7 / 8 / 9 - load camera position from a file.

Ctrl + Shift + 7 / 8 / 9 - memorize the camera position and save it to a file.


Can be opened by clicking on the button link= or key ~.

There are 4 sections:


  1. Similar to ProTanki


  1. You can customize each key to your liking in a similar way to ProTanki.


  1. You can turn the sound on or off.
  2. Adjust the volume to your liking.
  3. Background sound of the battle can alson be turned on or off.


  1. Show debug-panel - enables a panel with debugging information.
  2. Show FPS - enables the display of FPS (FPS — frame per second).
  3. Show changing tank parts panel - In the center, at the top of the screen will appear the buttons to change the armament of the tank.
  4. Show camera axis indicator - enables the display of the camera axis indicator in the lower left corner.
  5. Alternate camera behaviour - when enabled, objects above the tank on an inclined plane will be visible, and when entering a tunnel, the camera will follow the tank.
  6. 'Show arrow above the current spawn - enables the arrow above the spawn point.
  7. Show arrow above the current tank - enables the arrow above the controlled tank.
  8. Show marks of shots - when enabled, the turrets will leave gunshot marks.
  9. Show main panel - enables the main panel with rank, crystals, and buttons.
  10. Show CTF flags - enables viewing CTF flags.
  11. Show control points - enables viewing CP points.
  12. Show spawn points - enables spawn points on the map.
  13. Show fake statistics - when enabled, decorative elements will appear at the bottom: ping, score and battle fund. These can be adjusted by pressing F6.

Aside from that, there is a link to the official ProTLVK group in VK.


An additional program which allows you to see in close up the boxes with different textures of different holidays. It also contains the unused test boxes.

To run it, simply open BoxViewer.exe



To install ProTLVK, you need to:

  • Download the ZIP file on the link below
  • Unzipp the archive somewhere on your computer
  • Open the ProTLVK folder
  • Run the ProTLVK.exe file

Note: If you have x32 Windows, then you need to open FlashPlayer.exe and drag the file TanksTestingTool into it.

You can download it here.